3 years ago i was celebrating the natural landscape, i would drive where ever my 4wd would take me to be able to photograph the beauty of nature. all that changed when i discovered urban landscapes. a whole "new” world had opened up to me. i began to capture how we affected the environment through the sprawl of a concrete jungle. my eyes opened, (in this very room i might add) to the endless possibilities of urban photography. The Golden Shopping Trolley Awards was where it all started for me and in 2017 i was named the overall winner.
meretricious is where i question our responsibilities and ethics as we move forward for the future. i ask the viewer to walk a path to the left as you follow the images around the room. a timeline will emerge as we struggle to find our way, possibilities open up as to what could go wrong and also, in taking it too far, before finally resting on the meretricious.
as a fervent minimalist, i am all to aware of how, as a society we are taught to consume without consequence, that the key to happiness is the next "must have item” we think we need. caution needs to be taken when we consume the environment also, as we find a way to co exist. this is not the end, but only the beginning.
i have found my voice, the rest is up to you